Sunday, December 7, 2008

How to create your own comics?

You can create your own comics for your iPod app "ComicZeal" with ComicZeal Creator (download here). The process is quite easy, but not very intuitive.

1. Open ComicZeal. Close it.

2. Go to "My Documents." Creator will have created a folder there called "ComicZeal_Creator." Delete it. (I am not sure where the folder is created on a Mac.)

3. Open ComicZeal again. Open the folder My Documents/ComicZeal_Creator and copy your cbr/cbz files into the folder "Comics."

4. On ComicZeal Creator, click on Convert Comics. That's all you have to do. You don't need to drag your files, or open them, nothing. The program knows where the files that you want to convert are, and converts them automatically. That is why you have to delete that folder every time you want to convert a new comic book.

5. Your finished files will be saves in the folder My Documents/ComicZeal_Creator/CreatorOutput. They have an extension .cbi

6. You're done!

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